Monday, December 12, 2011

I won a pig!

I entered a raffle to win a pig.  The tickets were 100 pesos.  I picked number 73. The winning number would be the first number picked in the National Lottery on Sunday night.

News spreads here like wild fire on a windy day.  At first they were saying 23 won.  Then 73.  I was skeptical because everyone likes to pull my leg.  One of the organizers of the raffle came to congratulate me.  I won!  I asked several times if he was joking or lying, and if I'd really won.  I just couldn't believe my luck.

I walked all over town telling my friends I had won a pig.  They congratulated me and asked when we were going to eat pork.  As a rule of thumb, I don't eat pork here.  The meat is always so fatty and tough, it just isn't appealing.  Oh and there is no bacon, tragic, I know.

I got back to Sonia's house where I first found out I won.  Rosa, my 15 year old ex-best friend, comes in laughing saying number 63 was first and I didn't win.  I wasn't sure who to believe.  Nobody could tell me for sure if it was mine or not.

I was fuming because I thought they were playing a joke on me.  Maciel was in the fritura, I went to tell her about the drama.  Like a big sister she told me we would sort it all out tomorrow and not to worry about it.  She even called me after I went home to reassure me.

Before heading to bed I watched some Modern Family.  Mid-episode I smelled cigarette smoke and then heard people talking out in my yard.  Sunday is a big night to drink, so I thought they were just randoms drunkards hanging out.  I texted Maciel to send her massive husband over to get rid of them.  Turns out it was my 15 year old, slightly crazy enamordo, who slipped a love note under my door a couple weeks ago.  He was serenading me.

After all the happenings that night, and the day before (Sonia's sister-in-law felt the need to call me fat, I didn't take it well), I was sick and tired of Dominicans.

This morning I was still not sure if I was the winner.  My emotions were all out of whack.  I wasn't sure if I should celebrate or be disappointed.  I went by the Banca, where they post the lottery numbers, and saw 73 at the top of the list.  I WON!  It is official.

I plan on selling it whole to be butchered.  I don't have any plans for my winnings yet.

Update:  I sold the pig and spent most of my winnings on a bed frame.  A rather anticlimactic end to the story.

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