Friday, December 27, 2013


     Teaching is a special profession. I once read that teachers are superheros because they are nurses, mothers, police officers, psychologists, coaches, and referees everyday.  No wonder I'm so tired at the end of the day! 
     I teach 18 fourth grade students at a bilingual school here in Santo Domingo. The school is amazing. (Apart from not having air conditioning on a tropical island. You can imagine how I look and smell at the end of the day.) I feel very free to be creative with the way I teach, which is great, because some times my method is trial and error. I am still learning everyday.

Our classroom.
     I have learned so much about children and teaching and parenting since school started. It really has been eye opening. Some of my students spend more time with me in a day than they do with their parents. I feel like that puts so much pressure on my shoulders to be a great role model and guide to help them grow and learn. 
    All of my students have such unique personalities. I truly enjoy being their teacher. That said. I don't think teaching is my life's calling. I feel like teaching consumes your life. If I'm not at school I am either thinking about students or school or making lesson plans or researching or reading. 

We have 3 walls and a fence.
     I don't know if every teacher thinks this but, I want to be the best teacher these kids have had. I hope that they go home and say they had a great day at school and they look forward to coming into our classroom in the morning.
     Now, if they could just all get along and be friends and always say kind things life would be perfect.

Looking Back on 2013

     Wow, it's been months since I've posted. I have been busy with school and life in general.  I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on the last year as we count down the days until 2014. I like the above saying. It's neat to look back and see how much has happened in a year.

     A year ago Ramon and I celebrated Christmas in the campo. Then I spent NYE alone in an embassy employee's house(I was house sitting) with a nasty case of food poisoning. My parents came to visit in April and we had a wonderful vacation in Las Terrenas. I officially became a RPCV in June, and Ramon and I moved to Santo Domingo. In August, Ramon and I were married and turned in our visa paperwork. I started working as a 4th grade teacher in August too. After 7 months of searching for a job, Ramon stated working at the beginning of December. We had a quiet, relaxing Christmas at home.

     I think 2014 is going to be even more life changing than 2013. In January, Ramon and I will have our final interview with the consulate.  They will tell us whether he will become a permanent legal resident of the US! We plan on moving to the States in July, which right now seems like so far away. We are so excited and like to imagine all the things we'll do once we get there.

     Take a moment to think about where you were this time last year and all the things that have happened in 2013. I can't wait to welcome 2014!  Happy New Year!