view of Monte Bonito |
In the US it is fashionable to eat locally. It can be difficult to find locally grown products some places, but here in the DR and especially up on my mountain it is challenging to not eat locally. While I was still tucked in my covers this morning I heard the bull being slayed across the way. I wandered over to the neighbors place after getting dressed to find a plate of fried beef and toastones waiting for me. It was probably still warm while she cut it up. I then went to help shell beans that were harvested up the road yesterday. Then my host mom and I went to visit the pollero (chicken man). He cut up a freshly plucked chicken next to the coop that held ten of this little guys friends. I washed down my locally grown lunch of beans and chicken with limeade made with limes grown here in Monte Bo. To top it all off I had a banana for a snack. There are so many here they are practically free.
Lets just say by US standards I am pretty darn fashionable when it comes to eating locally.
I look forward to getting some laying hens and planting a garden. I may even try to compost. I will keep you posted on my progress.
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