Saturday, April 2, 2011


Found this on PCDR website, it's a good summary of Dominican thoughts of PCVs.  My host mom is protective and likes to tell me every time I leave to walk with someone so I don't get lost, I heard it is because I look so young and she thinks I need extra assistance.  She also says, "Que vayas con Dios", that translates to something like may God be with you.

Negro,  my host dad, can't seem to remember my name, so every time he sees me he calls me "Americana".

My official project will be Adult Literacy.  I will be mentoring and evaluating facilitators of adult literacy classes and/or teaching adult literacy classes.  I believe 4 of the 6 adult literacy volunteers will be working in Bateyes.  They are traditionally poor towns set up for Haitian sugar cane workers.  It can be similar to campo living in that there are latrines and little running water.

In Spanish class this week we visited a 'candy factory' of sorts.  It was located outside someones house and made only dulce de leche, which does not taste like carmel but more like sweet milk.  It was a sauna inside this building, I am not sure how these 5 men worked all day in that humidity.

Speaking of heat and humidity, the air here has been thick and the sun strong.  Never thought I would do this, but I walk with an umbrella to shield the sun.  I am dreading summer and hoping for a beach site.

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