On Tuesday we received our site assignments. I was excited to find out where I’ll go and nervous about spending the weekend at my new site, meeting my new host family, and my project partners. I felt like it was a big make it or break it moment. And let me tell you the first night almost did me in!
I will be living in a community just outside of Baní, a fairly large city just an hour away from Santo Domingo. The population is a mix of lower income Dominican and Haitian families. Most of the streets are unpaved and the houses are a mix of concrete, wood, and tin.
My primary project will be assisting five adult literacy facilitators who have created a small local literacy program. They have class every Sunday for three hours in the elementary school. They would like to strengthen their program with resources, training, and motivation. Many literacy students do not have papers and therefore could not attend school. So, I hope to work in documentation as well, to ensure their children have the opportunity to attend school.
One of my project partners, Josefina, hosts me in her home. She actually has three structures on her property; I’m not sure the logistics of it all yet, but Josefina, her husband, and four children (18, 16, 14, 11 years old) all live here. Our house has a cement block exterior and some cement block interior walls. Sheets serve as doors, but I will hopefully have a bedroom door when I return next Friday.
The first night as I sank to the middle of my ‘mattress’ I watched mice scurry across the tops of the walls. After that, I decided to act like I’m camping. Lots of critters, one burner cook top, no running water (plenty of water though), no fridge, bucket baths, and candlelight (the electricity goes out at 7 every night).
Everyone I meet here is so welcoming. They greet me with big smiles and kisses and then run off to find me a pop or a snack as everyone else offers me their chair. One of the facilitators, Fatima, always has a muffin in her purse for me. They argue over where I will eat lunch and worry my water isn’t cold enough.
As of now I am content with my site, and look forward to starting my diagnostic. The first three months I focus on integrating into the community and determining where they need help. After that I will be able to move into my own place and being working!