My grandma, my mom and I all went to Vegas on a shopping spree Monday. I was exhausted after the trip, but I feel like I'm on the right track. Everything I read says pack light, don't bring too much, etc. I always over pack though. I just can't help it. So the girl struggling with her oversized, overweight bags is me.
Yesterday was my last day of work. Now I'll spend my time packing, visiting and eating as much delicious food as I can. This weekend I'll be in Tempe for my last hurrah, the next weekend we're having a going away party at my parents house (It's going to be a themed Western party! I'll have to post a picture of my awesome getup.) and the last weekend Mark is coming to visit.
I fly from Vegas to DC Monday, February 28th. We have staging in DC and then March 3rd I'll be in the DR. Time is going to fly!